Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cannabis and Nausea

Nausea is something that can happen for a lot of reasons. Whether it’s morning sickness because of pregnancy, stomach anxiety, or even cancer treatments, nausea is all the same. It’s that feeling that you’re feeling awful, and your stomach wants to blow chunks. Cannabis-based medications actually help with this.  You may wonder if smoking some weed can help make nausea better. Here’s what you should know. 

Why nausea happens 

Nausea happens for a variety of reasons. Think of our body as an aggregation of cells, with different reactions made for the purpose of keeping all of us safe. You feel this hen you sneeze to get rid of something foreign. Nausea works the same way. It’s a way to get rid of something that your body doesn’t want anywhere near it. Nausea can happen randomly, but it can happen dur to several types of triggers. Your brain may have a symptom that can affect the GI tract, and that's what causes the gastric conditions that can create nausea in the body. 

Can weed Cause Nausea? 

Yes it can. While rare, it can cause nausea in some cases. This is ultimately dependent upon what you take, and how much you take. Greening out is an example of too much cannabis, where you have vomiting, nausea, anxiety, and panic attacks. It can be discomforting, but it’s not like an overdose. 

When you take THC in through inhalation, it binds to the CB1 receptors, which can cause dopamine to rush, and then, you get the high, but if you overstimulate, this is what causes vomiting.

 There is also the rare condition of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which is a rare one that happens and you basically get sick after having cannabis, and it can happen for weeks, leading to eventual hospitalization in a few cases. This can be a bit dicey, but it may happen as well if you have morning sickness. Some people may use compulsive bathing if they have serious symptoms. CHS is usually due to the improper regulation of your CB1 receptors, and too much cannabis, or a mutation in some of the receptor sites, which can impact the signal of dopamine. 

Does it Prevent Nausea 

While greening out and other conditions may be scary, the truth is, cannabis is great for nausea. The FDA even approved a drug called dronabinol, along with nabilone, which are basically two manmade versions of THC, and they’re used for those who have chemotherapy to treat the vomiting that goes with this. 

This can be because of the activation of the receptors. 

There are also some early research studies that are showing promise in the realm of cannabis research with nausea. 

There are also some factors that may be causative with this too, including the ay a person’s ECS works, and also the ay that it fights the morning sickness. Your endocannabinoid system can also target this, but if you also have terpenes that help to target this, it can help. 

CBD is also really good for preventing nausea, since it does inhibit your FAAF, which is responsible for breaking down the 2-AG, which can help with nausea. 

More people are actually using this to help with nausea, since it does activate the serotonin receptors. 

Overall, we know only a little bit about the way cannabis can work to prevent nausea, and there is still a lot that we don’t know, but hopefully, with more and more studies, e can see the potential of cannabis being used as a means of treatment for nausea, and helping those who suffer from this condition as well.